Interest Expense, Supplemental

Interest Expense, Supplemental

Interest Expense, Supplemental represents interest expense that may be paid and/or imputed, and are reported net of interest capitalized. When interest expense is not reported on the income statement, it is obtained from the notes of the financial statement.

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Test Nunc interdum, mi id egestas placerat, nunc justo convallis sapien, eu lacinia nulla eros et massa. Etiam eget ultricies dolor. Vestibulum urna urna, posuere et aliquet et, feugiat non ligula. Sed et sem tellus. Nunc at mauris eu lectus laoreet viverra quis sit amet lectus. Mauris a urna at risus imperdiet ullamcorper id sit amet odio. Nulla sit amet convallis ex, eget tincidunt libero.